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September 06, 2012  •  1 Comment

Pondside Roots and Grasses

"Pondside Roots and Grasses" 5d MKII, 24mm f/3.5 ts-e, B+W 110 10 stop ND filter, Lightroom4, Nik Silver Efex, Adobe CS5 for gradient tool.

Right then, so- I'd rather make or look at an ambiguous photo, or I guess even one that I hate- then one that I've seen before or is somehow more typical. And I've been making my fair share of those lately- this one though I feel more strongly about. I stopped at this place along the Upper Hadlock Pond this morning because I saw a clump of moving reeds out in the water that I wanted to explore some long exposures of, and that was all nice and good but after a few minutes of being in that spot I started to see all the other little scenes around me that are really gorgeous and fascinating to look at, it was really an amazing spot, and it made me feel great to be alive to be here, and it would you too- if we only could make the time to. Consider this- would you rather be doing anything else other then sitting on this pond's shore and watching the water grasses move in the ripples of the breeze on a perfectly comfortable, warm summer, bug-free morning, and looking at the texture of this old trees grain that's been weathered and exposed after years of ripping winter ice storms and scorching summer sun, sure there are plenty of things that we'd all rather be doing, but to do this is soul refilling. It can really give you a nice natural armor of sorts against the blare of the rest of the world- I mean what good is imagining a calm place when you can't actually imagine it because you've never experienced it! So from me to you- here is a calm place, I hope it will help you like it's helped me, and of course- have a nice day- Nate from Maine, Usa. 


In spite of the a little more unpleasant suitable procedure, this is an extremely straightforward belt harness made.
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