Photography inspiration from Youtube

July 09, 2012  •  Leave a Comment


"Surface" July 1, 2012

Hey there fellas. So I've been totally digging enjoying watching Youtube interviews and documentaries about photographers lately when trying to have some relaxing time lately after a busy day, and if you're anything like me then you'll love these two that I watched the other day. The first one is a documentary about Edward Weston made in 1948 and narrated in classic Walter Cronkite meets "Victory at Sea" fashion. It's absolutely interesting to see his demeanor and nature and the way he conducts himself in the field behind his huge camera, which is entertainingly ported about for him by a suspiciously attractive female assistant. And to see shots of the interior of his home and the things he surounds himself with is also amazing. Note the perfect bowl of still-life subjects ready to go on the kitchen table.

The next one is a "National Geographic Live- The Life of a Photograph with Sam Abell", who's mantra acquired from his photographer Pa is "compose and wait", and the window shot sequence throughout the day in Red Square in Moscow with the pears on the windowsill complimenting the onion domes on St. Basils Cathedral @38:00 minutes is freekin awesome! But his considerate and thoughtful approach to making images is what struck me as well here. Good stuff, good stuff indeed. Check it out, unless you really have something better to do, then make sure you email yourself a reminder to watch it later. 

Right then. I hope that helped you as much as it helped me.

And since we're on the topic, check out Guy Tal's latest post regarding landscapes as art here: and that'll be a good weeks worth of homework.

What are your favorite inspirational photographer vids? Lemme know, I'd sure appreciate it- have a good one, -Nate.




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