Scupper Low Wharf

April 22, 2013  •  1 Comment

Scupper Low Wharf. No idea where that title came from, have to name it something though. 

Here's what I recommend: if you are (1.) -a photographer then you should definitely check this documentary out. If you are (2.) a resident of the Earth you should most certainly pay attention to this documentary and seek it out however you may find it, I saw it on the cable t.v. on the National Geographic Channel this past last weekend after the whole terrorist fiasco drama in Boston had been seemingly mostly been resolved. And (3.) if you  like fantastically produced and jaw dropping beautiful imagery and video then this is a must see: "Chasing Ice" by James Balog. I'd first heard of it on the interwebs with an accompanying shot of a glacier calving event that was the size of Manhattan and to see the whole thing was truly fascinating and just like the Al Gore movie certainly an eye opener. Whether or not you believe in "global warming" you'll be amazed to see this film. Links: 

and this one which is the "world turning upside down" scale massive event that leaves me with doubts of if I was there filming it or shooting the event: would I be able to summon the courage not to flee or just lie on the face of the mountain hugging it with fear for my life because this is too gigantic, too much to even comprehend-

And with that- have a good week champs! Don't forget: theoretically you too could make a difference. ? 


David V. Johnson(non-registered)
The pictures are so beautiful and scenery look adorable in their first picture of sea. It's a memorable day to both kids as well as their parents. And according to reviews to make it a sweet memory taking these photographs are so good.
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